
Monday, June 10, 2013

10 months later...I'm back in the saddle, with a cocktail in hand.

My last post was 10 months ago.  Ooops.  I'm sure some of you (all 10 of you) have really missed my creative genius.  Please forgive me, I've been a little busy.

Evie just turned 9 months and I finally feel like I have some sort of order in my day.  Well, some days more than others (like the fact that she's been sleeping for 2 hours this morning...thus this little blog post).  I have been able to squeeze in a few projects and ideas here and there and I will be highlighting those in the upcoming weeks.  I have also been cooking up a storm lately, so I'll post some of my favorite meal ideas as well. 

But...first things first.  Let's start off the summer with a cocktail.  Mommies need a little pick-me-up juice around 5 o'clock...knowwhatimsayin? 

Last night was a beautiful night.  It was a perfect night for grilling and a perfect time for a drink on the patio.  We didn't have any wine or beer in the house so I was forced to get creative.  We have a ton of mint growing in our herb pots, so I started with that.  Then, I remembered that we had a cucumber in the fridge.  Perfect.  And...since I'm not a professional mixologist (although after a couple drinks I think I am), I went to the internet to find a drink recipe that incorporated mint and cucumber.  After reading a few, this is the concauction I created:

Makes 2 cocktails
- 4 slices of cucumber, 8 mint leaves, juice of 1 lime, 1/2 packet of stevia (I'm still working on my baby weight, folks...simple syrup is another option).  Muddle this together at bottom of shaker.
- 3 oz of vodka. Add this to the vegetables.  That's right folks, this is healthy.
- Couple handfuls of ice.  Shake it.  It's extra good if you can get your booty in the shaking as well.
- Pour into glasses.  Top with club soda.  Add a lime wedge if you want to get all Martha on it. 
- Enjoy.  Repeat.

I'm sure someone out there has made this drink before, but I couldn't find this particular recipe.  This recipe is close.

Sorry I don't have a picture of the cocktail.  I'm sure you can imagine it in your head.

Stay tuned for more!


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