My last post was 10 months ago. Ooops. I'm sure some of you (all 10 of you) have really missed my creative genius. Please forgive me, I've been a little busy.
Evie just turned 9 months and I finally feel like I have some sort of order in my day. Well, some days more than others (like the fact that she's been sleeping for 2 hours this morning...thus this little blog post). I have been able to squeeze in a few projects and ideas here and there and I will be highlighting those in the upcoming weeks. I have also been cooking up a storm lately, so I'll post some of my favorite meal ideas as well.
But...first things first. Let's start off the summer with a cocktail. Mommies need a little pick-me-up juice around 5 o'clock...knowwhatimsayin?
Last night was a beautiful night. It was a perfect night for grilling and a perfect time for a drink on the patio. We didn't have any wine or beer in the house so I was forced to get creative. We have a ton of mint growing in our herb pots, so I started with that. Then, I remembered that we had a cucumber in the fridge. Perfect. And...since I'm not a professional mixologist (although after a couple drinks I think I am), I went to the internet to find a drink recipe that incorporated mint and cucumber. After reading a few, this is the concauction I created:
Makes 2 cocktails
- 4 slices of cucumber, 8 mint leaves, juice of 1 lime, 1/2 packet of stevia (I'm still working on my baby weight, folks...simple syrup is another option). Muddle this together at bottom of shaker.
- 3 oz of vodka. Add this to the vegetables. That's right folks, this is healthy.
- Couple handfuls of ice. Shake it. It's extra good if you can get your booty in the shaking as well.
- Pour into glasses. Top with club soda. Add a lime wedge if you want to get all Martha on it.
- Enjoy. Repeat.
I'm sure someone out there has made this drink before, but I couldn't find this particular recipe. This recipe is close.
Sorry I don't have a picture of the cocktail. I'm sure you can imagine it in your head.
Stay tuned for more!
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